Mullard ECC88 / 6DJ8 Great Britain

Mullard ECC88 / 6DJ8 Great Britain Yellow Label
Made in 1965 by Blackburn factory of Mullard. It has lush, musical and harmonically rich sound with very good bass... All tubes have yellow, the sought-after label. Available in singles, matched pairs and quads.

Quantity in Stock : Out of Stock!
Price: Grade A @ US$69,00/ea ; US$144,00/matched pair ; US$298,00/matched quad 
         Grade B @ US$59,00/ea ; US$124,00/matched pair
Grade A - The best in the stock. Lowest noise and microphony with the tightest balanced sections we have available. This is typically 10% or often tighter given the large volumes of our stock.
Grade B - Low noise and microphonics with a section balance typically between 15% and 20%, but may be higher depending on available stock.


  1. These are beautiful tubes with great mid range. Always rely on Korays recommendations. Dragan, Serbia

  2. Unfortunately, we have to decide on other people's experiences and read for sound related items instead of listening before buying. My whole lotta reading concluded on 2-3 finalists and I asked Koray his opinion based on my need (phono listening), my amp and what I am looking for in my sound.
    Koray also suggested one of my favourites and I ended up with this beautiful tube.
    To be honest, I wasn't expecting such a big step up from the factory installed no-name Russian tube to Mullard. I was surprised and am very happy with the tone.
    Way way cleaner, pure, warmer and rounder as I asked from Koray.


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