TUNGSRAM and TESLA EF86 / 6267 / CV2901

TUNGSRAM and TESLA EF86 / 6267 / CV2901
Good quality EF86, made in Hungary. The Tungsram EF-86 is a crunchy, raw, and high gain tube. Our stock tubes are labeled as Globus, Haltron, Ultron, Tesla other than Tungsram. The Tesla tubes have top square getter while the Tungsrams D-getter.

Quantity in Stock: Out of Stock!
Price: US$24.00/each

1 comment:

  1. I actually quite like the Tungsram EF86! I find it "tells the truth" in absolute terms about the music it amplifies; it has none of the Musical Mullard minute shearing off of rough edges. Tungsram = truth, at least for their early 1960s EF86s. Later production T-Ram EF86 is vastly inferior; similar to the early, awesome Tungsram ECC83 and later, blah/bland T-Ram ECC83s. BUT-- the best, VERY BEST EF86 is the GEC military CV4085! WOW is this a genie in a bottle! I have an EF86--wired in triode-- linestage with a Siemens 6922 White Cathode Follower output stage, and there is none more honest, resolving, and yet MUSICAL than GEC CV4085!


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