Black triangular plates, top O-getter,
dark silver lettering on brown base, all have the same date codes, packed on March 1962 in original military
boxes. Excellent slam and dynamics! These have really clear good mid range and solid bass but the top end is not as refined as the famous Tung-Sol VT-231 with round plates. Highly recommended as a driver
tube for power amps. Available in matched pairs and singles.
Quantity in Stock : Out of Stock!
Price : Grade A @ US$53,00/each ; US$108,00/matched pair
Grade A -
The best in the stock. Lowest noise and microphony with the tightest balanced
sections we have available. This is typically 10% or often tighter given the
large volumes of our stock.
Grade B -
Low noise and microphonics with a section balance typically between 15% and 20%,
but may be higher depending on available stock.
Grade C -
Lowest noise but slightly microphonic. Section balance will be similar to Grade
A or B. This grade is only suitable for use in the driver stage of an
amplifier, or the output/buffer stage of a DAC or CD
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