Telefunken/Philips/Siemens/Valvo E80CC

Telefunken/Philips/Siemens/Valvo E80CC 
A ruggedized double triode of frame grid construction introduced in 1957. Technically it is similar to ECC82/12AU7 with slightly different operating parameters and double the filament current requirements. It is nowadays a popular replacement for 12AU7 as long as its EL84-like size and power transformer capacity allows. The E80CC is my personal favorite 12AU7. These tubes have halo getter and gold pins, and sound like a Telefunken ECC802S on steroids that means an absolute audiophile hi-end!! Strongly recommended! The Holland tubes in stock have various labels such as Siemens, Philips, Philips Miniwatt, Telefunken, Valvo and Teonex. These come screened for noise and microphonics.
Quantity : Out of Stock!
Price : US$ 99.00/each; US$ 204.00/matched pair

1 comment:

  1. А позолота на контах ламп заметно ли улучшает звучание речи?


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