BRIMAR ECC82 / 12AU7 Short Gray Plates

BRIMAR ECC82 / 12AU7 Short Gray Plates
Made by Footscray factory of Thorn-Brimar. These are from 1960's with short gray ribbed plates and O-getter. Similar internal construction to the Holland makes. Clear, balanced and smooth sounding tubes. Please indicate the item number when you order.

1) Matched Pair of Brimar 12AU7/ECC82 Early 1960's in original boxes @ SOLD!


2) Matched Pair of Brimar ECC82 1960's in original boxes @ SOLD!


3) Matched Trio of Brimar 12AU7 1960's in white boxes @ SOLD!


4) Matched Pair of Brimar ECC82 1960's in white boxes @ SOLD!

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